Committed to Quieting the Oceans
About GAMeON
Global Alliance for Managing Ocean Noise
The Global Alliance for Managing Ocean Noise (GAMeON) is an international partnership of proactive and action- minded scientists, managers, policy makers, and industry representatives fostering inclusive dialogues to fuel creative, workable solutions that will transform ocean noise management. GAMeON is developing responsible, modern, integrated, and informed solutions for managing anthropogenic ocean noise with three key actionable goals: scan horizons to proactively identify emerging concerns and solutions; map existing and emerging knowledge on ocean noise, technology, and policy; create inclusive dialogues and networks to collaboratively solve ocean noise issues globally.

Practical Approaches to Reduce Ocean Noise
Workshop One
Workshop One: ‘Practical Approaches for Reducing Ocean Noise Associated with Offshore Renewable Energy Development’ intends to foster a productive setting for stakeholders across international governing bodies, industry leaders, non- governmental organizations, and academia to debate, break down barriers, and ultimately develop data-informed and technologically advanced solutions that fit within a realistic business model and continue to benefit a sustainable blue economy. The focal topics of this workshop will include lessons learned from different projects and experiences and pairing monitoring and mitigation requirements for ongoing developments in science and research. This workshop will culminate by identifying and proposing opportunities for actionable next step.
Workshop Two
Workshop Two: ‘Practical Approaches for Reducing Ocean Noise Associated with Seismic Exploration’ intends to foster a productive setting for stakeholders across international governing bodies, industry leaders, non-governmental organizations, and academia to debate, break down barriers, and ultimately develop data-informed and technologically advanced solutions. The focal topics of this workshop will include current status and future directions in: (1) technological approaches for reducing noise impacts from seismic exploration (e.g., vibroseis, ‘low noise’ airguns; and (2) operational approaches for reducing noise impacts from seismic (e.g., minimizing airgun array size, reducing survey area, smart scheduling). This workshop will culminate by identifying and proposing opportunities for actionable next steps.
Workshop Three
Workshop Three: 'Practical Approaches for Reducing Ocean Noise Associated with Vessel Traffic' details coming soon.